The Baroque period of art was defined by some of the artistic rule-breaking that became more common. Defying the previous composition of artwork was one key difference. Prior to the Baroque period, paintings and other pieces of artwork were organized and followed very rigid poses. Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio, Resurrection of Lazarus , c. 1609, oil on canvas, 380 x 275 cm (Museo di Messina) Resurrection of Lazarus was one of the many beautiful depictions of dramatic posing and reflects what it means to "catch a moment in time". This piece was done as a commission for a wealthy Italian family, the Lizzari family ( They then presented the painting to a church. It was completed in 1609 in Messina, Italy and painted by Michelangelo Merisi de Caravaggio, often referenced as Caravaggio (Ch'ien, Smarthistory). The painting is currently on display in the Museum of Messina (Museo di Messina). Some of the key characters that stand out about this piece is th...